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Micro loans or investments.

The bitcoin ecosystem up to now has proven to be a significant success. A concept introduced in an economically and financially challenging environment has gained substantial support and development.

Many people have come across the opportunities that this innovative monetary approach has created but a not easily defined portion of them does not have access to the financial instruments necessary to establish or expand their operations.

On the other hand, there is another portion of people who have already earned a lot from this initiative called crypto economy, and it is within their direct interest to assist its expansion.

Now if these two groups come together negotiating their own terms of borrowing and lending respectively, the sustainable growth rate of the cryptoeconomy can be further advanced.

Remember, in the cryptoeconomy there is no Central Bank to inject liquidity in case of failure. This is a fact that makes investors more cautious but the crypto economy more robust, easing actually the restraints and bringing more confidence to the crypto economy's ability to regulate, since it is as strong as its supporters think so, collectively, hence its decentralized nature.

All of the above suggest that micro loans and investments have a great role to play in the future. They are a safe way to distribute risk and at the same time help safeguard the decentralized nature of the crypto economy, which is actually its cornerstone.

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